28 januari 2007

ANT: Neuronavigation

Magnitrace 3D Navigation system for TMS Coil positioning Magnitrace allows to: - Co-register TMS, MRI and EEG using sophisticated 3D digitization technology. Image guided TMS can be applied with simultaneous recording of high-density EEG allowing maximum flexibility in the application of the different modalities. - Review results of earlier navigation/stimulation/source reconstruction for navigation purposes, e.g. repetition of stimulus at the same conditions - Analyze the positioning of the coils in exact time synchronization with the EEG/EMG/EP data to separate good from bad trials, create conditional averages of EPs etc. - Digitize electrode positions by means of the digitizer pen 3D electrode digitizerMagnitrace takes care of the electrode digitization procedure and records, visualizes and stores the digitized electrode positions. The sequence of the digitization procedure is pre-defined by the user. Positions are acquired by locating the respective electrode at the scalp, placing the digitizer pen at that location and pressing a button. Markers (nasion, left and right pre-auricular points) are digitized as well. This way, the electrode positions are transformed to the nasion-ear coordinate frame. During the procedure a head tracker monitors the movement of the subject and compensates the acquired positions for these movements. The system provides real-time feedback on the current location of the digitizer pen and acquired electrode position by displaying them in the MRI and head surface. Digitized electrode position are immediately marked on the head surface and visualized in the MRI for inspection. The 3d electrode digitizer module in Magnitrace is also sold as standalone electrode digitizer (without the functionality for TMS coil navigation). More information is provided in the asa-lab digitizer section. How does it work? The Magnitrace system is based on the Polaris Spectra system. This tracking hardware uses infrared light to track tools (like a digitizer pen or TMS coil). Each tool is equipped with multiple markers. The markers reflect infrared light back to the position sensor and from this the 6D position is retrieved (position and orientation). These positions are visualized realtime in the Magnitrace together with the MRI and possibly the head model of the subject/patient.

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