30 september 2007

Auto da Fe EEG-electrodes (shielded)

The important thing to know is that the ModEEG requires shielded electrode cables. Most electrode cables you see for sale online are not shielded. The cables I (and many others) have made and getting good results comprise of the following: o 25 feet (for 2ch + DLR) of RG-174 shielded coax cable (a common cable type available from many electronic suppliers). o WBT-DSC electrodes from The Electrode Store: www.electrodestore.com/EEG/EEG.lasso?ran=3C2EC848&S=1... o a handful of Molex .062" male and female connectors (get a bunch as I kept going back to store after I messed up some crimp attempts) o mini-XLR or RCA to connect cable to your openeeg box. I used the regular (large) XLR balanced microphone connectors from Radio Shack and it seems to work fine. I also use silver earclip electrodes for when I want to use the ear as reference (most of the time) www.electrodestore.com/SpecialPurpose/SP.lasso?ran=5D55FB... Also - I purchased some male .062" molex connectors and soldered them onto a short lead coming off of the earclip electrodes...that way I can swing from the earclip electrode to plugging in a regular disc electrode for bipolar montage (two electrodes on the scalp). I can post pics of this if this rambling is not making sense. Here's pics on how to solder the Molex connectors to the shielded cable: openeeg.sourceforge.net/doc/gallery/electrode-howto/ And an older OpenEEG newsgroup thread where this method is discussed: sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=6977501 See my other EEG electrode picture posted here for a better shot of the earclip electrode 'mini-plug' made out of male/female molex and heat shrink.

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