29 oktober 2007

Brain Avatar Music ?

Some people pour music out of every brain. When they link brainwaves and let the music it generates sparkle and reflect as sound waves in liquid and light resonances something quite interesting could "see the light". Real time brain music ? Maestro... please.
See what happening on 1 st and 2 nd Nov 2007 between Braunschweig Brussels , Durban, Bangkok, Hang Zhouang and New York.
So better finetune Your brain to that event and surf here...
(if you are not into music check the roulette)
Brain Avatar Concert & Resonance Experiment November 1st - 9PM Musicians in Hang Zhou, Bangkok, Durban, Brussels, New York, and Braunschweig will each begin a solo concert, transmitting the music real-time to each city. During the concerts, brain activities of each musician will be recorded by the "Brain Avatar" which, created by Martin Schoene, is the first analogue visualization of real-time brain activity. The brainwaves, in their direct form as sound are projected as resonance in water and light. Emerging shapes and processes allow for visualization of mental states and movement of thought. November 2nd - 5PM FREE In the second part of this world concert, the musicians will play together in realtime. Their brainwaves are connected - a "Global Avatar" is composed from six solo Avatars. A new kind of merger ...

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