08 maart 2009

Depression and escitalopram

An article the lancet with study objective and architecture from Cochrane foundation. Clearly in favor of escitalopram. The recurrent story that S enantiomers of citalopram are only a marketing trick (conspiration theory) are clearly proven false mémé's both in basic research and clinical studies. escitalopram (the S enantiomer) is 30 times more potent then R citalopram that hunders the effect of the S enantiomer at the serotonine reuptake receptor. beste quality and less side effects for our patients are better provided by the S enantiomer (escitalopram). This is the way to go in a condition suc as depression that needs the best of treatments.
The Lancet, Volume 373, Issue 9665, Pages 746 - 758, 28 February 2009
doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60046-5Cite or Link Using DOI
Editors' note: Depression is a major cause of disability worldwide, and the need for treatment options, whether they be antidepressant drugs or psychological interventions, is correspondingly great. A range of clinically-proven antidepressants is available, and this multiple treatments meta-analysis seeks to draw conclusions from the many randomised trials in which drugs have been studied against active comparators. Weighing systematically the evidence available on both efficacy and tolerability, the authors suggest that sertraline and escitalopram might be appropriate first-choice treatments.

Comparative efficacy and acceptability of 12 new-generation antidepressants: a multiple-treatments meta-analysis

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