17 september 2007

Esther and Ernesto: ASA comes to Brussels

Next week, September 28-29, 2007, our next ASA-LAB user meeting will take place. We are looking forward very much to meet you in Brussels! The workshop will be hosted by the Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Movement Biomechanics, Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), and is organized in collaboration with Prof. Guy Cheron of the Universite Libre de Bruxelles. The number of participants is already quite high, but there is still room for some more users. NO REGISTRATION COST FOR ANT USERS! In view of the very international character of the meeting, and the related travel expenses for the numerous participants from far away, we have decided to waive the Workshop participation fee. The meeting will focus on all aspects of the ASA-LAB EEG/ERP system and address all important technical aspects of research applying high-density event related potentials: * Recording and online processing of ERP, * Cognitive stimulation, * Signal processing in time and frequency domain, and * Source reconstruction and co-registration with MRI. Moreover, we will take this opportunity to demonstrate our powerful ASA-LAB ERP system and latest release of ASA to you. Also there will be time to discuss in smaller groups, focusing on particular issues related to your current research. The official program and registration of the meeting can be found on our website. (http://www.ant-neuro.com/events/brussels2007) In case of any questions please e-mail mvelde@ant-neuro.com Ernesto Palmero, PhD Esther Alonso Prieto, BsC Maarten van de Velde, PhD Frank Zanow, PhD

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