19 september 2007

Brains on the Move in Leuven

BC _I Robot
Interesting congres in Leuven

BCI Meets Robotics: Challenging Issues in Brain-Computer Interaction and Shared Control

November, 19-20 2007, KU Leuven, Belgium

Last years have witnessed advances in Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), but how far is this new field from controlling robotics devices?

The goal of the workshop is to introduce recent advances in brain-computer interfaces on the one hand, and on shared control and task recognition on the other. This workshop will give a new perspective on how humans and robots cooperate to fulfill a challenging task. The concept of adaptive shared autonomy will be introduced and its relevance for BCI applications will be illustrated.

The presentations will consist of a series of invited talks and poster presentations. Also, the European MAIA project will report their achievements in non-invasive brain-controlled wheelchairs.

Posters will be selected depending on relevance to the workshop topic, quality, and novelty.

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